Lili írta:gabryela írta:Royalty7 viszont LR-re is küldte szépen a 7 nap után járó pénzt:
Ez szuper! Gratulálok!
Nekem is rendben jött tegnap a 3,5 $-om.
Köszönöm szépen, én is Neked!
Egyébként tegnap kaptam egy ilyen levelet Tőlük:
Today the February 10th, 2012, we are pleased to mark the successful completion of our 3rd month online, with a long road still ahead.
I would like to share with you that ever since our project was launched on 11/11/11, we are seeing a very steady and healthy growth.
You should know that we are always nurturing our project and we will keep making every effort to succeed where others has failed.
We have recently started accepting bank transfers with no receiving fees! You can now invest directly via your bank account.
You can also start buying any e-Currency funds directly from us, if you are interested in more information, please contact us.
You can place a request here: choose the subject "Bank transfer" and we will answer you asap.
Last subject is less fortunate, we are being slandered by a competitor that seems to run a smear campaign against Royalty7.
This slanderer has a malicious intentions and I would like to ask of you to please disregard his bad voting, they are all fake.
Furthermore, I will appreciate if you would take a moment to post your own feedback, about your true experience with us.
You can leave your opinion in one of the 3rd parties reviewing web sites that are listed here:
Thanks & good weekend.
Admin, Michael Solomon. Team.